Democratic elections always have a winner and a loser. Sometimes your candidate will lose. When that happens, it is normal to be sad and upset. But if you were old enough to vote, then you are an adult. So, if you are one of those people stuck in a perpetual state of being angry, and looking for reasons to stay angry, and your candidate happened to be the loser, it is time to get over it, and move on (and be smarter than the conspiracies that seek to weaken our democracy).
History has shown us the same storyline time and time again. A leader who desperately wants to keep their power, will do anything to retain that power, and the United States is not immune from individuals with a lust for power, that are willing to harm the country and its institutions to obtain or retain their power. Going back to my prior article about conspiracies, a failed leader will often resort to developing conspiracies that seek to target and undermine those who oppose them. Feeble minded individuals, and those who lack the ability for rational / analytical thought, willingly transform themselves into tools (in both the literal and derogatory definition) that serve the will of a megalomaniac and overseas adversaries.
Relative to the 2020 election, there was indeed a winner, and definitely a loser (again, in both the literal and derogatory sense). I will save my in-depth commentary on why the loser lost, for another article. For now, I will simply state that, had this loser actually proven to be a leader (when the country desperately needed leadership), or had chosen not to be divisive, and focused on providing leadership and solutions to get the country through the pandemic, the outcome of the election would have had different results.
Rather than just demeaning and speaking in negative context to this election’s loser, in my next article, I will provide specific examples of where leadership was not provided, and where exceptionally poor decisions (or lack of decisions) were made relative to both foreign and domestic policy, that hurt the country. It will be a solutions-based commentary.
So, before I go any further, let me give a little background on myself and my political leanings. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am an independent. With that said, I have never voted for a Democrat, because for me, the most important issues are associated with national defense and foreign policy. In my view, Democrats have historically pursued policies and agendas that are detrimental to national security and foreign policy (although the 2020 election loser….a “Republican”, did much to damage national security and foreign policy).
For this reason, I have typically voted for Republicans (except for the time I voted for Ross Perot, and I did not vote in 2016 and 2020, I will explain further in another article). However, there are issues that the Republican party is either unwilling or incapable of providing meaningful or effective policy strategies, and solutions. For example; environmental conservation, diversification of the national energy policy, situational awareness of issues and concerns within minority communities, etc. This does not mean that I think the Democrats have offered meaningful or constructive solutions to these issues either.
I shared this, because it is important to establish that for me, party affiliation, unquestioning obedience to, or obsession with a specific politician, would relinquish my ability to think objectively about the issues facing the country and develop meaningful solutions based on my own personal opinions, experiences, and reason (notice that anger, belligerence, and hate were not listed as prerequisites for developing solutions).
You don’t have to listen to the ramblings of a politician to figure out what to believe in, or where you stand on the issues (I will refer back to Einstein’s quote about being “given a large brain by mistake”). Use your brain to decide for yourself what your opinion is, and how to develop constructive solutions to the issues, based on those personal opinions.
So, back to the main subject, the 2020 election and aftermath. There was a winner, and a sore loser. The loser attempted to retain power through the creation of conspiracies to help cast doubt on the election results and the election process (and our overseas adversaries helped promote those conspiracies and exacerbate the national division that the 2020 election loser was creating). Let me jump to the conclusion here, the loser lost, and there was no evidence of any significant election fraud. Don’t take my word for it. The Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, numerous other federal investigative organizations as well as state and local law enforcement agencies conducted multiple independent investigations of the 2020 election and found no evidence of significant election fraud. Even William Barr (the Trump appointed Attorney General of the DOJ) explicitly stated that there is no evidence of election fraud during the 2020 election. The Supreme Court even ruled in favor of the election results.
None of the investigations found any evidence of significant election fraud. Period. If the conspiracies that say there was fraud, were true, then why is there no evidence? And more importantly, why didn’t the “believers” (a.k.a. treasonous idiots) hand carry the “mountains of evidence” they claim exists, to the federal and state authorities conducting the active investigations?……because there was no evidence.
If you find yourself immediately inspired to respond by saying “yeah, but you can’t trust the government”, please refer back to my prior article about the use of conspiracies as a weapon to motivate and influence feeble minded Americans to sew division and mistrust of the government. That response, citing an inherent mistrust of the government, is precisely the outcome our adversaries purposely set out to achieve, in getting Americans to mistrust their government. If that was your response, congratulations, you are a tool (in both the literal and derogatory sense).
The intelligence operatives of our overseas adversaries will get awards and commendations for the incredible success they have achieved in manipulating Americans through the creation and/or perpetuation of damaging conspiracies that seek to undermine the US. You are their puppet. Take a picture of yourself proudly wearing your “Q” shirt, with Vladimir Putin’s entire arm up your backside controlling you. Don’t forget to smile for the camera dumbass.
While you’re at it, put down that American flag that you’ve been waving around as if you’re a “patriot”. Believing in these obscene conspiracies (without a shred of valid evidence), that attack some of the most important institutions and processes that are central to our democracy, makes you something far from a patriot, perhaps “treasonist” fits the description.
Holding a flag while following conspiracies that seek to undermine the 2020 election results, and wearing that damn “Q” shirt, is a desecration of our flag. By the way, I just noticed that the words treasonist and the name of that megalomaniac loser (that lost the 2020 election), both start with the letter “T”. It’s time to take off that pathetic “Q” shirt (in fact, just throw it away, or use it as a rag to clean the toilet). You can replace it with a new shirt with the letter “T”.
So enough of the sarcasm. Seriously now, if you were one of those individuals that I was referring to that immediately discredits the federal investigations into the 2020 election, because “you don’t trust the government”, and you continue to believe in baseless and imaginary conspiracies that divide and harm the country, then I ask you to do this (for you and the country’s benefit);
• Stop, and take a deep breath (you may need quite a few)
• Ask yourself, what is the reason / motivations for your “distrust” of the government?
o Evaluate what were the contributors/motivators of this distrust, and if it can be directly attributed to your belief in conspiracy theories and/or the cult worship of a megalomaniac seeking to retain power and destroy American democracy
o Think about the context and storylines of the conspiracies that you buy into, and ask yourself, does following this conspiracy help or hurt the country, or does it help or hinder our overseas adversaries in their efforts to create division, sew mistrust of the government and weaken the U.S? (Would a Russian operative be overjoyed at your rage, and perpetuation of an engineered conspiracy that weakens American democracy?)
o Seriously think about who were the likely creators of these conspiracies that you believe in (hint…if a conspiracy is harmful to the US, then consider the extremely high probability that it was likely invented by the intelligence agency of an overseas adversary, and/or that megalomaniac seeking to retain power and destroy American democracy).
o Consider how your opinion about these conspiracies might change if you were made aware of the fact that these conspiracies were developed and/or promoted by overseas adversaries to the U.S. (or if it was created by some pathetic 40-year-old deadbeat with low self-esteem living in the basement of his parent’s house, who invents obscene conspiracies as a hobby)
• Evaluate where you stand on issues (not where the politicians you support stand on those issues). What are your opinions? More importantly, what solutions can you offer to the national conversation about those issues?
• Put the 2020 election into the past, where it belongs
o If you believe that you are in possession of the alleged “mountain of evidence”, of election fraud, load it in your truck now (along with the Bigfoot body that you discovered in the Bermuda Triangle, while swimming with the Loch Ness Monster), and drop it off at the DOJ or FBI headquarters immediately. Otherwise, shut up about the election, and move on.
o If you don’t like the current administration, ask yourself, what specifically you personally disagree with, then thoroughly research those issues and develop alternative, constructive solutions to those issues and share them with your congressman and senators (don’t just pick a party line)
o Focus less on the fact that the current administration may not be the political party that you favor, and focus on where you personally stand (not a political party) on the issues (and why).
o Then, compare those positions with the policies/agenda of the current administration. When you take away the party affiliations and compare with just your personal perspectives, you may find that you still disagree on many issues, but discover that there are actually areas of common ground. It is likely in this approach that you will discover the barriers to collaboration and solutions-based conversations resulting from “party” affiliations. Less affiliation, always equals more solutions.
o You may also realize that the parties often don’t have solutions to the issues, that represent their “party positions” on those issues. Thus, parties often just take a position of “opposition without solutions”. Be an individual, not just another clone for a party.
o Remember that being angry does not facilitate constructive dialogue or solutions-based conversations to address issues. Channel that negative energy and re-direct it in truly patriotic application to help our troubled country address the many issues we face (conspiracies, political division, racism, are problems to be addressed and eliminated so we can get to work developing solutions, together).
Let’s remember, regardless of your political leanings, or cognitive abilities, the goal is to develop (and more importantly), implement solutions to directly address the needs and issues facing the country. Re-join the country, stop being a hater, and give up being a tool for overseas adversaries or megalomaniac former presidents. Stop embarrassing and dividing our country. Be a real American. Be an individual. Have solutions, and stop looking at everyone else who disagrees with you as an enemy. If you are believing in something, or doing something (like storming the capital building) that is harmful to the country, then stop doing those things. It’s as simple as that.
Our great country has many problems, and it will take everyone (regardless of party, race, social status, etc) to develop solutions. Be part of the solution, and not a malignant tumor on society.
Thank you for listening.